JackMaster - "Master Console" for the jack-audio-connection-kit
- 100% pure C
- Low CPU usage
- Session management with LASH
- Fader automation with ALSA
- Number of inputs: unlimited
- Crosstalk: 0.000 dB
- Dynamics range: somewhere in the vicinity of 1529.23 dB
Minor shortcomings:
- When an active channel is rerouted, you might hear a click
- Ugly icon (at least, it is recognisable)
- Number of inputs/subs and screen layout can only be changed by recompiling
- Only stereo ports
- No aux-sends/returns yet
- No (LADSPA-)insert effects (yet)
I'm using the rather unusual .cpio.7z-format. Cpio, because it is much less
wasteful than tar (especially with small files), and 7zip because of its awesome
compression-ratio. If your favorite archiver-GUI can't handle this (like KDE's Ark),
here's the command-line:
7z e -so dev_jackmaster-0.0.2.cpio.7z | cpio -i
7z e -so jackmaster-0.0.2.cpio.7z | cpio -i
Just a simple
./autogen.sh (only if you have the "developer-version")
$EDITOR config.h
make install (as root, if you can't write in /usr/local)
The developer-version contains the same source as the user-version,
but without the autogenerated stuff from GNU libtool, autoconf and
automake. So if you don't have 'em installed and working, pick the
In case of trouble, these were used during development:
gcc 3.4.6
gcc 4.1.2
libtool 1.5.22
autoconf 2.61
automake 1.7.9

Default configuration (16 ins, 4 subs)

A rather minimalist configuration (4 ins, no meters, no solo buttons, no routing)
What our customers say about JackMaster:
JackMaster == great
JM is actually very, very good.
-- Art
jackmaster is really cool!
I really like Jackmaster, I'm using it a lot lately. Thanks! Great work :)
-- Alex
Re: jackmaster compile failure.
jackmaster is now a first class citizen of my little studio
laptop, so I am happy.
-- siddharth |